Monday, February 20, 2012

Life is a changing....

My hubby has got a new job lined up!
This is a huge deal for us.
He has been at the company he is leaving for nearly 12 years.
Painful to leave but he has exhausted his time there.
New job is more pay, but best of all it's abundance of opportunity.
Our life is going to be very different but in a good way.
It will challenge us, stretch us but I feel our family will be better off for it.
All that said, what I really want to say is....
God is good. So good. All the time.
His provision is so faithful even we are not.
Thank you Lord! 


Tamera Tergerson said...

So nice to see you are being blessed by God. God is so incredibly awesome, even in those times where He teaches us a lesson and "withholds" some blessings so that we can be blessed by learning to trust Him - and whatever other lesson He wants us to learn so we can grow, even then, we must never forget that God is always awesome!

Chele said...

Amen Tammy!
Most would look at this new journey as not a blessing. My hubbys new job takes him away from our family for long periods of time and it is dangerous. But he is getting a chance to minister to people he would never ever crossed paths with. He is getting a chance to learn a new skill and have room for advancement. It is is also making it possible for us to move. And taking us to a place that also needs ministering. God's blessings are so precious when we take the time to see them through HIS eyes! :)