Sunday, September 16, 2012

We have a winner! :)

Thank you all who entered our giveaway for the Kitchen Unpaper Starter Pack! 
We 8 entries and I numbered you accordingly as you posted. First 1 and last 8.
I used and it picked a winner!
And who is #2? Let's take a look....

Yeah Kimberly! Contact me with your addy and I will get your pack on the way to you! :)
If you didn't win, don't fret. We have more of these sets and we will be doing more giveaways soon for more packs. Just keep checking back to see when to enter. 
Thanks everyone!


Kimberly said...

Thanks so much!!! I couldn't find a link to email you directly, so here's my email: kimberlyfreeman08 at gmail. I'm so excited!!

Chele said...

DOH! I thought I enabled that. Ekkkks, tons sorry! I'm off to email you! :)Congrats Kimberly!

Chele said...

And for future use, my email is now in my profile. Sorry about that! :)